Cosmic-Loveparty is a new party in Sweden and in the world. We think that love is the greatest force in the universe and therefore should be represented in the political life. We will ground our decisions in what make and generate most love as a result. Love will permeate every step of the way. We presume that love is good for keeping society sound and healthy. And it is in a loving surrounding that it is good for small babies to be born into, and for middle-aged people to feel good in, and a warm loving and caring at the time of high age. Love unites people from all walks of life. Love is the answer, love is the way!
The Cosmic-Loveparty was established in Sweden, Stockholm year 2015 by Maximilian Carlens. The vision of a Loveparty in the parliament was a thought that was too good to be ignored and has to be tested in real life, Maximilian felt. The aim is set to be an optionally political party to the Swedish parliament in year 2030.
Love is the answer, love is the way, united in love, together forever.
Change the world by transforming yourself!
Change the world ,,peace by peace¨!